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Tag Archives: comedy

Moonrise Kingdom or Boy Scout Meets Girl

Moonrise Kingdom is a fantastic coming of age movie set in the sixties by talented director Wes Anderson. The ensemble cast consists of experienced actors like Bill Murray, Frances McDormand, Edward Norton, Tilda Swinton, Bruce Willis and Harvey Keitel completed with young newcomers Kara Hayward

Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi as The Blues Brothers

The Blues Brothers, an Eighties Musical Comedy

A decade before Reservoir Dogs, the iconic gangster outfit consisting of a black suit, skinny tie and a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses was introduced in the early eighties musical comedy The Blues Brothers. However less violent in their actions than Tarantino‘s look-alikes, the protagonists

All Jokes from Airplane! Ranked by Funniness

We all love the 1980 comedy Airplane! The disaster movie spoof starring Leslie Nielsen, Peter Graves, Lloyd ‘Father of The Dude’ Bridges and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar became an instant classic. The film launched the career of Jim Abrahams who went to direct the Hot Shots and

T2 Trainspotting: an Acid Trip down Memory Lane

Twenty years after director Danny Boyle introduced us to five Scottish junkies in Trainspotting, Boyle and four out of five guys are back in T2 Trainspotting. Spoiler alert: Tommy died in the first movie which explains his absence in this sequel. The cast and director